Do you want to know what your Learning Style is?
Are you confused about your career choices?
Do you want to know how well you can manage your emotions?
Are you feeling disinterested in studying?
If your answer is YES for any of the above questions, we are here to help you out!
According to your age, WhizQiz Career Discovery Platform offers you an array of assessments!
Get to know yourself better with the help of our Psychometric Assessments specially designed for the children and the adolescents.
In today’s fast moving world, it is important for children to keep up with the competition but at the same time learn freely, creatively and in a stress-free environment. At WhizQiz, we provide a range of assessments. The fundamental IQ tests and EQ tests will help you understand about general intelligence of your child and how good they are at emotions. The Learning Ability test made for children of age group 7-12 yrs will help you identify which learning style or rather which combination of learning styles best suit you child. Understanding you own Learning Style is essential for one’s success!
Moving to the more advanced Career Guidance Test for individual of age group 12-19 yrs, the test will assist you in identifying the aptitude and general career interest of your child and also provide you with top 5 career recommendations for him/her. Knowing your strengths and areas of improvement helps you immensely along with choosing a career of your interest!

The detailed test report contains 3 customized sections.
Interpretation and Analysis
Which will give you the overview of your child's score on each separate trait.
Self Help Guide
Which will contain instructions for assisting your child in future improvement.
Mentors Guide
Which will act as a manual for parents and teachers to guide your children.
Call Our Helpline for more information and for any help!
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Is your child's age between 7-12 years ?
Explore the test below !
IQ Test
IQ Test is a measure of a child’s Intellectual abilities. The test is based on the g factor theory Intelligence by Spearman. It emphasizes the underlying general factor that influences our specific intelligence.
EQ Test
EQ Test is a measure of an individual’s Emotional Intelligence; How the child manages, uses, and understands their own emotions. The test assesses the ability of an individual to use their emotions in the positive ways.
Multiple Intelligence & VAK Test
The Learning Ability Test combines the two theories of Multiple Intelligence and the Learning Styles. The test tells you about your prominent way of Learning along with the strongest area of Intelligence.
Age between 12 to 19 years ?
Explore the test below !
IQ Test
IQ Test is a measure of a child’s Intellectual abilities. The test is based on the g factor theory Intelligence by Spearman. It emphasizes the underlying general factor that influences our specific intelligence.
EQ Test
EQ Test is a measure of an individual’s Emotional Intelligence; How the child manages, uses, and understands their own emotions. The test assesses the ability of an individual to use their emotions in the positive ways.
Aptitude & Career Interest Test
By our Aptitude & Career Interest Test, you get to know your Abilities and Areas of Improvements along with your Top Career Interest! Build your better future with our help. We have this test available for the adolescents and young adults aged from 12 to 19 years!
Our Other Products / Tests
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Discover your best-fit career with the world’s most advanced career assessment